My Projects
imagination Trumps Knowledge!
Featured ProjectZlaark Expense Manager App
Zlaark is an advanced expense management application built using Next.js and React. Leveraging ShadCN UI, the interface is clean, modern, and intuitive. Zod ensures robust form validation, providing a seamless user experience. The integration of React Query enables efficient data fetching, caching, and synchronization, ensuring the app remains responsive and reliable. Zlaark empowers users to manage their finances with ease, offering insightful analytics and real-time expense tracking.
E-commerce Platform with Dual FrontendsDual-Front E-commerce: User Store & Admin Dashboard
This project showcases the integration of cutting-edge technologies to deliver a robust, scalable, and aesthetically pleasing e-commerce solution. Explore the seamless synergy between ReactJS and NextJS, coupled with the responsive design facilitated by Tailwind CSS and Shadcn. The backend leverages the power of Prisma with MySQL, ensuring efficient data management and retrieval. Whether you're a customer navigating the store or an admin streamlining operations, this project exemplifies the synergy of modern web development technologies.
Featured ProjectModern Web3 Metaverse landing page
This Modern Web3 Metaverse Landing Page demonstrates my expertise in utilizing cutting-edge technologies. With Next.js 13, I built a performant web application with smooth navigation. Using Tailwind CSS, I crafted a visually stunning interface with customizable components. Framer Motion added engaging animations for a dynamic user experience. The landing page is responsive, providing a consistent look across devices. This project highlights my ability to create outstanding interfaces using the latest front-end tools and frameworks.
Landing PageModern Bank landing Page
Explore the perfect blend of technology and aesthetics as ReactJS drives the dynamic frontend, while Tailwind CSS ensures a fully responsive and visually captivating design. Witness the future of online banking unfold in real-time as users navigate an interface that adapts flawlessly across devices, providing an optimal experience for all clients. This project serves as a testament to the power of React and Tailwind CSS in creating a modern and functional banking landing page that sets a new standard for user experience in the digital age.
Landing PageE-learning Landing Page EduWeb
EduWeb is a dynamic E-learning Landing Page crafted with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. This project showcases my proficiency in front-end development, leveraging the power of React for interactive user interfaces, Next.js for seamless navigation, and Tailwind CSS for a modern and responsive design. The EduWeb landing page is designed to provide an engaging and user-friendly experience for learners, featuring intuitive navigation and a visually appealing layout. Through this project, I demonstrate my skills in creating compelling web solutions that enhance the online education experience.
ResumeModern Resume Website
This website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive online resume. With HTML, I structured the content, while CSS provided styling and visual presentation. JavaScript added interactivity like smooth scrolling and animated transitions. The website is optimized for different devices, adhering to web standards and best practices.